
Dec 25, 2020
Galloping to the Galapagos - Chapter Four
Tuesday, December 1st We wake up next to the sheer rock wall of Isabela Island, Vicente Roca Point. This is the largest island of the...

Dec 24, 2020
Galloping to the Galapagos - Chapter Three
Life on the Bonita Yacht Monday, November 30 We woke up at Santiago Island with a full day of activities. Every breakfast starts with a...

Dec 21, 2020
Galloping to the Galapagos - Chapter Two
REALLY ON OUR WAY Sunday, November 29, 2020 The next morning, at 4:45 a.m., I put on my game face to fly to the Galapagos Islands. At...

Dec 21, 2020
Galloping to the Galapagos - Chapter One
Galloping Toward Galapagos
When do you decide your plans are ill-fated?
Author’s note: Throughout these posts, I will use “Au